Teachers facing online education require emotional support

Article about social emotional situation of teachers

Published by: La Tercera

During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers have been forced to adapt to a new online environment. According to the study developed by Harvard: “A framework to guide an education response to the COVID-19 Pandemic” and discussed during the webinar organized by ecosiSTEAM, the greatest concern of teachers is to be able to ensure learning, as well as to support students so that they can learn with greater autonomy and with technology. Another important challenge is to be able to ensure the health and well-being of students as well as teachers. (See the survey below)

La Tercera newspaper addressed this issue in Chile. In the article, the director of ecosiSTEAM, Ana María Raad, contributed with the experience of the program, as well as with data from the study mentioned before. 

Access to La Tercera’s article: https://www.latercera.com/tendences/noticia/profesores-al-borde-de-un-ataque-de-nervios/TC4ZS5LEVZBO5A7FVR7KH6AOVM/